Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Earning Sex

A woman has every right to expect that her husband will earn access to the marriage bed...I mean that a husband owes his wife the confidence, affection, and emotional support that would lead her to freely give herself to her husband in the act of sex.

God’s gift of sexuality is inherently designed to pull us out of ourselves and toward our spouse. For men, this means that marriage calls us out of our self-focused concern for genital pleasure and toward the totality of the sex act within the marital relationship.

This provocative statement is part of a speech by Al Mohler, president of Southern Theological Seminary, to the Men of Boyce College, on March 13, 2004.

Click here to read a summary, with a link on that page to the full speech.

Listen to the talk by clicking here.
Christians have no right to be embarrassed when it comes to talking about sex and sexuality. An unhealthy reticence or embarrassment in dealing with these issues is a form of disrespect to God’s creation. Whatever God made is good, and every good thing God made has an intended purpose that ultimately reveals His own glory.


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