Thursday, August 04, 2005

Ex-gay issue on CNN & The View

The ex-gay issue is getting a lot of attention right now.

Here is the transcript of a debate on CNN Sunday.

And here is a transcript of a discussion on "The View," with a 24-year old ex-gay.


Blogger stan said...

don't know since I've never been to one.

but one of the key issues is that opponents say the camps are forced on these kids and they are trying to brainwash them and use "reparative therapy."

however, the camps themselves say they are simply giving these kids resources and information to choose a different path, and they leave the choice up to the kids.

as for the camps being forced on the kid, parents force stuff on their kids all the time, and kids often don't like it. all the outcry you see is really just a result of a worldview that sees individual liberty, especially sexual liberty, as a right trumped by nothing else, not even parental authority. the eventual implications of this worldview are not pleasant.

11:38 AM  

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