Monday, March 28, 2005

Pedophilia is next

This is a quote from David Fishback's letter to the D.C. Examiner. David is one of the leading proponents of a pro-homosexual sex education curriculum in Montgomery County.
"The proposed revisions simply present the conclusions of every mainstream American medical and mental health professional association that homosexuality is not an illness - and most experts do not believe it is a choice."

In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses. That is what Fishback is referring to.

And now, the APA is considering removing other things from their list of mental illnesses.

Gender-Identity Disorder

Here is the rationale.
Psychiatrist Charles Moser of San Francisco's Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality and co-author Peggy Kleinplatz of the University of Ottawa presented a paper entitled, "DSM-IV-TR and the Paraphilias: An Argument for Removal."

...The existing research cannot distinguish people with the paraphilias, they say, from "normophilics" (the term the authors use for people with conventional sexual interests), so there is no reason to diagnose paraphilics as either a distinct group, or psychologically unhealthy.

Besides, Moser and Kleinplatz add, psychiatry has no baseline, theoretical model of what, in fact, constitutes normal and healthy sexuality to which it could compare people whose sexual interests draw them to children or sadism/masochism.

..."Any sexual interest," Moser concluded in his Archives commentary, "can be healthy and life-enhancing.

...The situation of the paraphilias at present," Moser and Kleinplatz conclude, "parallels that of homosexuality in the early 1970's."

Did you catch that? "Psychiatry has no baseline, theoretical model of what, in fact, consitutes normal and healthy sexuality...Any sexual interest can be healthy and life-enhancing." Think about that. That is the scientific naturalist's worldview carried out to its logical conclusion.

Thankfully, there are experts out there who are responding to this.

The National Association for Research and Thereapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) had this to say.
"What is needed is not more research," NARTH's Joseph Nicolosi countered in response to reports describing the symposium. "What psychology really needs for its advancement is not another study, but a more accurate worldview. That worldview must take into account our creator's design, which inevitably involves gender complementarity.

"And," Nicolosi added, "we must agree on those things that genuinely enhance human dignity. It's a measure of how low the psychiatric establishment has sunk, that it would even debate the idea that pedophilia, transvestism, and sado-masochism could ever be expressions of true human flourishing."

Psychoanalyst Johanna Tabin, Ph.D., of NARTH's Scientific Advisory Committee, also commented on the A.P.A. symposium. "If the arguments prevail that are given for ignoring these psychological problems, then suicide attempts must be considered normal when they are desired by the participants. And what about the sociopath, who--having no conscience--feels quite content with himself?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is very disturbing!

9:23 PM  

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